
January 5, 2017

Partners of Medical Informatics Engineering:

Please be informed, beginning April 12th, MIE will no longer support certain web browsers presenting security concerns such as an end of manufacturer support, or more importantly, weak TLS cipher strength. On April 12th, clients using web browsers lacking secure Web communication protocol (TLS 1.2) will no longer gain access to the WebChart system.

After April 12th, those clients hosting unsupported browsers, or browsers expected to end manufacturer support, will continue to see an UNSUPPORTED BROWSER warning while retaining access to the WebChart system. However, MIE will not subject unsupported browsers to standard testing procedures, after April 12th. Therefore, these browsers may potentially experience compatibility issues, inconsistencies in functionality, or increased technical issues, until updated.

Below, you will find two bulleted lists. The first list shows browsers expected to lose access to the WebChart system, due to outdated security protocols.

  • IE8 or earlier
  • IE9 and IE10* (running any OS prior to Windows 7)
  • Windows Phone 7.8 or earlier*
  • Chrome 21 or earlier
  • Chrome for Android 21 or earlier
  • Firefox 22 or earlier*
  • Safari 6 or earlier
  • Mobile Safari 4 or earlier
  • Android 4.3 or earlier*

*Ensure TLS 1.2 is enabled.

This is a list of browsers with terminated manufacturer support expecting to retain WebChart system access. However, these browsers will not be supported nor tested by MIE.

  • IE10 or earlier
  • Windows Phone 8.0 or earlier
  • Chrome 52 or earlier
  • Mobile Chrome 52 or earlier
  • Firefox 44 or earlier
  • Safari 9 or earlier
  • Mobile Safari 4 or earlier

These are NOT exhaustive lists. If you are unsure what web browser you are currently hosting, please visit https://whatbrowser.org. If unsure of the current SSL/TLS capabilities of your browser, please visit SSL Labs’ site. Otherwise, feel free to contact the MIE Helpdesk with any questions or concerns.

Please be aware that MIE has configured WebChart to display warnings to users utilizing unsupported or outdated web browsers. These warnings will display at the login screen and the worklist toolbar, allowing users into and use of the system, until April 12th.

If an up-to-date web browser version is detected, no warnings will appear, and no further action is required.

Please take action now. Upgrade your current web browser to avoid any unnecessary risks and potential interruptions. This, too, will ensure all current MIE upgrades and fixes can be pushed accordingly. Understand that without an updated web browser, your organization continues to be at an increased risk for malicious cyber attacks.

MIE is devoted to the promise of an adaptable solution, and with that promise comes a commitment to security -- a commitment of dedicated resources ensuring the authenticity, integrity, and privacy of all of our clients’ data. Please help us by ensuring your browser is up-to-date. Failure to maintain updated web browsers places everybody at risk.

We will provide additional information and any updates, as this information comes available. Thank you for this consideration, and please do not hesitate to reach out to MIE Helpdesk with any questions or concerns.

With Confidence,
Medical Informatics Engineering

Related Article: ActiveX Control Update April 12 Deadline