
Doc's practice recovered EHR cost in five years

Posted: March 9, 2010 - 11:00 am ET

In response to reader commentary on Joseph Conn's "Making IT Work":

Dr. Marven Leftick said he worried that an investment in information technology may not be financially worthwhile for physicians nearing retirement. He suggested "cash for clunkers" as a metaphor. As both physician CEO of NoMoreClipboard.com and a partner in group practice with an electronic health record for nine years, I can answer from experience.

Our practice recovered our retail cost of our Web-based EHR in about five years with no stimulus money. Modern applications using software as a service will cost a great deal less (we estimate $250 a month) and entail no on-site installation costs. The new EHR will allow for meaningful use to be achievable without disruption to workflow, that is to say "minimally invasive," and provide return on investment for physicians nearing the end of practice. And, this will make sense even if fees fall.

William Cast, M.D.



Fort Wayne, IN